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Brooklyn Film Festival Partners with TBWA\Chiat\Day New York and WiMO Reality on Innovative Film Code Visual Mobile App Campaign, ‘Expand Your View’
Expand Your View is a piece of work combining technology, print and video. Last year’s award-winning films from BFF have been compressed to form a ‘film code’ visual, made up of thousands of frames from that very film. On scanning the image with a smartphone, the image effectively expands to play the full trailer for that unique film, before landing on the Brooklyn Film Festival website. Partnering with others for the project, TBWA worked with IT student, Melvyn Laily, and software developed by him in C# for the .NET Framework, enable the film frames to be compressed into a unique film code. WiMO, a technology company that specializes in machine vision and augmented reality, has the software to recognize the picture when the user scans it (with the WiMO app). The app then sends the user to the video of the film’s trailer and then to the Brooklyn Film Festival website.
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